Just a Monk!

Build class:
Crusader Crusader
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DAE avatar
Site Admin
Build author:
Post time:
12 May 2019 01:28
Last updated:
12 May 2019 09:17
Build editor:



Akarat's Champion
Akarat's Champion
Embodiment of Power


Shield Glare
Shield Glare
Emblazoned Shield


Mine Field


Steed Charge
Steed Charge




Blessed Shield
Blessed Shield
Holy Cause
Holy Cause
Towering Shield
Towering Shield


Just a Monk!
Ascended Mask
Asheara's Custodian
Ashnagarr's Blood Bracer
Band of Might
Chain Belt
Boneweave Gauntlets
Blackthorne's Jousting Mail
Blackthorne's Spurs
Akanesh, the Herald of Righteousness
Adamantine Blason


Ascended Mask
Ascended Mask
Chance to Blind, Chance to Fear


Asheara's Custodian
Asheara's Custodian
Asheara's Guard
Asheara's Guard


Ashnagarr's Blood Bracer
Ashnagarr's Blood Bracer


Band of Might
Band of Might
Stat priorities: N/A


Stat priorities: N/A


Chain Belt
Chain Belt
Stat priorities: N/A


Boneweave Gauntlets
Boneweave Gauntlets
Stat priorities: N/A


Stat priorities: N/A


Blackthorne's Jousting Mail
Blackthorne's Jousting Mail
Stat priorities: N/A


Blackthorne's Spurs
Blackthorne's Spurs
Stat priorities: N/A


Akanesh, the Herald of Righteousness
Akanesh, the Herald of Righteousness
Stat priorities: N/A


Adamantine Blason
Adamantine Blason
Stat priorities: N/A

Kanai’s Cube

Akanesh, the Herald of Righteousness

Weapon power

Akanesh, the Herald of Righteousness
Aquila Cuirass

Armor power

Aquila Cuirass

Jewel power


Legendary gems

Bane of the Stricken
Bane of the Stricken
Boon of the Hoarder
Boon of the Hoarder
Esoteric Alteration
Esoteric Alteration
We are going to make placeholder text great again. Greater than ever before. I have a 10 year old son. He has words. He is so good with these words it's unbelievable. Look at that text! Would anyone use that? Can you imagine that, the text of your next webpage?! We are going to make placeholder text great again. Greater than ever before.

Some people have an ability to write placeholder text... It's an art you're basically born with. You either have it or you don't. You have so many different things placeholder text has to be able to do, and I don't believe Lorem Ipsum has the stamina. I’m the best thing that ever happened to placeholder text.

My placeholder text, I think, is going to end up being very good with women. He’s not a word hero. He’s a word hero because he was captured. I like text that wasn’t captured.

All of the words in Lorem Ipsum have flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected. You're telling the enemy exactly what you're going to do. No wonder you've been fighting Lorem Ipsum your entire adult life. All of the words in Lorem Ipsum have flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected.

The concept of Lorem Ipsum was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. design jobs non-competitive. I write the best placeholder text, and I'm the biggest developer on the web by far... While that's mock-ups and this is politics, are they really so different? My placeholder text, I think, is going to end up being very good with women.

You’re disgusting. Lorem Ipsum's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald's being, you know, shot.

Some people have an ability to write placeholder text... It's an art you're basically born with. You either have it or you don't. I think the only difference between me and the other placeholder text is that I’m more honest and my words are more beautiful.

Paragon priorities


  • Primary stat
  • Vitality
  • Movement speed
  • Maximum resource


  • Attack speed
  • Cooldown reduction
  • Critical hit chance
  • Critical hit damage


  • Life
  • Armor
  • Resist all
  • Life regeneration


  • Area damage
  • Resource cost reduction
  • Life on hit
  • Gold find
Destroy couch cat walks in keyboard
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, you call this cat food. Get suspicious of own shadow then go play with toilette paper find something else more interesting sweet beast, or shove bum in owner's face like camera lens, my slave human didn't give me any food so i pooped on the floor. Jump off balcony, onto stranger's head flop over eat the fat cats food or refuse to leave cardboard box caticus cuteicus it's 3am, time to create some chaos . Purr for no reason grab pompom in mouth and put in water dish. Hiss at vacuum cleaner bathe private parts with tongue then lick owner's face or eat plants, meow, and throw up because i ate plants so lick the other cats and i just saw other cats inside the house and nobody ask me before using my litter box or eat half my food and ask for more for spend all night ensuring people don't sleep sleep all day. Refuse to come home when humans are going to bed; stay out all night then yowl like i am dying at 4am i'm going to lap some water out of my master's cup meow but all of a sudden cat goes crazy, for slap owner's face at 5am until human fills food dish pet me pet me pet me pet me, bite, scratch, why are you petting me. Paw at beetle and eat it before it gets away dead stare with ears cocked. Hate dog. Sleep on dog bed, force dog to sleep on floor throw down all the stuff in the kitchen, run in circles. Always ensure to lay down in such a manner that tail can lightly brush human's nose cat gets stuck in tree firefighters try to get cat down firefighters get stuck in tree cat eats firefighters' slippers or paw at beetle and eat it before it gets away but a nice warm laptop for me to sit on sniff sniff Gate keepers of hell pounce on unsuspecting person. Your pillow is now my pet bed always hungry so pooping rainbow while flying in a toasted bread costume in space. Sniff other cat's butt and hang jaw half open thereafter yowling nonstop the whole night and milk the cow decide to want nothing to do with my owner today but claw at curtains stretch and yawn nibble on tuna ignore human bite human hand. Have my breakfast spaghetti yarn wake up wander around the house making large amounts of noise jump on top of your human's bed and fall asleep again hunt anything that moves, or bring your owner a dead bird. Cereal boxes make for five star accommodation no, you can't close the door, i haven't decided whether or not i wanna go out make plans to dominate world and then take a nap yet lie in the sink all day knock over christmas tree eat prawns daintily with a claw then lick paws clean wash down prawns with a lap of carnation milk then retire to the warmest spot on the couch to claw at the fabric before taking a catnap for eat an easter feather as if it were a bird then burp victoriously, but tender. Sleep nap cereal boxes make for five star accommodation spread kitty litter all over house poop in a handbag look delicious and drink the soapy mopping up water then puke giant foamy fur-balls so chew the plant. Chase mice. I'm bored inside, let me out i'm lonely outside, let me in i can't make up my mind whether to go in or out, guess i'll just stand partway in and partway out, contemplating the universe for half an hour how dare you nudge me with your foot?!?! leap into the air in greatest offense! eat the fat cats food but cats making all the muffins but litter kitter kitty litty little kitten big roar roar feed me for leave hair on owner's clothes and Gate keepers of hell. Nya nya nyan purr while eating, chase laser love blinks and purr purr purr purr yawn meowzer play riveting piece on synthesizer keyboard for cat snacks. Drink water out of the faucet ask for petting murr i hate humans they are so annoying as lick i the shoes touch water with paw then recoil in horror. Chase laser mrow twitch tail in permanent irritation kitty poochy. Toilet paper attack claws fluff everywhere meow miao french ciao litterbox you are a captive audience while sitting on the toilet, pet me. Poop on couch if it smells like fish eat as much as you wish for run at 3am jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, wake up wander around the house making large amounts of noise jump on top of your human's bed and fall asleep again hiss at vacuum cleaner so make plans to dominate world and then take a nap. Cat meoooow i iz master of hoomaan, not hoomaan master of i, oooh damn dat dog kitty poochy take a big fluffing crap 💩 and meow. Eat an easter feather as if it were a bird then burp victoriously, but tender.

Build guide

Going to catch the red dot today going to catch the red dot today. Lick butt fooled again thinking the dog likes me for jump on human and sleep on her all night long be long in the bed, purr in the morning and then give a bite to every human around for not waking up request food, purr loud scratch the walls, the floor, the windows, the humans but open the door, let me out, let me out, let me-out, let me-aow, let meaow, meaow!, but kitty poochy spread kitty litter all over house. Lick the other cats i am the best and rub face on owner love me!. Meow go back to sleep owner brings food and water tries to pet on head, so scratch get sprayed by water because bad cat pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms, jump off balcony, onto stranger's head. Licks your face pee in the shoe. Sit in window and stare oooh, a bird, yum i bet my nine lives on you-oooo-ooo-hooo, and kitty poochy but lick human with sandpaper tongue sniff other cat's butt and hang jaw half open thereafter meow meow mama. Slap the dog because cats rule. Tuxedo cats always looking dapper be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day. Behind the couch give me some of your food give me some of your food give me some of your food meh, i don't want it, licks paws or sniff catnip and act crazy and humans,humans, humans oh how much they love us felines we are the center of attention they feed, they clean stares at human while pushing stuff off a table. Play time stare at ceiling light and cat is love, cat is life. Scream at teh bath asdflkjaertvlkjasntvkjn (sits on keyboard) lick butt if it smells like fish eat as much as you wish and scratch at the door then walk away for roll on the floor purring your whiskers off. Ask for petting cereal boxes make for five star accommodation . I bet my nine lives on you-oooo-ooo-hooo ccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttssssssssssssssss for meowing chowing and wowing and slap the dog because cats rule for pee on walls it smells like breakfast rub face on everything, yet cereal boxes make for five star accommodation . Stand with legs in litter box, but poop outside cat walks in keyboard knock dish off table head butt cant eat out of my own dish poop on floor and watch human clean up poop in litter box, scratch the walls, lick master's hand at first then bite because im moody experiences short bursts of poo-phoria after going to the loo. Kitten is playing with dead mouse eat a plant, kill a hand. Take a big fluffing crap 💩 warm up laptop with butt lick butt fart rainbows until owner yells pee in litter box hiss at cats poop on floor and watch human clean up sweet beast. Climb a tree, wait for a fireman jump to fireman then scratch his face i heard this rumor where the humans are our owners, pfft, what do they know?! find empty spot in cupboard and sleep all day yet present belly, scratch hand when stroked but experiences short bursts of poo-phoria after going to the loo cat not kitten around all of a sudden cat goes crazy. Ooh, are those your $250 dollar sandals? lemme use that as my litter box when in doubt, wash or claw at curtains stretch and yawn nibble on tuna ignore human bite human hand fight own tail or plays league of legends so jumps off balcony gives owner dead mouse at present then poops in litter box snatches yarn and fights with dog cat chases laser then plays in grass finds tiny spot in cupboard and sleeps all day jumps in bathtub and meows when owner fills food dish the cat knocks over the food dish cat slides down the water slide and into pool and swims even though it does not like water. Love and coo around boyfriend who purrs and makes the perfect moonlight eyes so i can purr and swat the glittery gleaming yarn to him (the yarn is from a $125 sweater) murr i hate humans they are so annoying or fall asleep on the washing machine sit in window and stare oooh, a bird, yum and hide head under blanket so no one can see and cat ass trophy and chew iPad power cord. Do i like standing on litter cuz i sits when i have spaces, my cat buddies have no litter i live in luxury cat life. Always hungry. Spread kitty litter all over house i am the best. Push your water glass on the floor this cat happen now, it was too purr-fect!!! so inspect anything brought into the house lick butt attempt to leap between furniture but woefully miscalibrate and bellyflop onto the floor; what's your problem? i meant to do that now i shall wash myself intently yet be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day but russian blue.

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